Kale Coleslaw

Components for kale slaw: Peanut dressing, chopped peanuts and sliced kale

Although I am currently on a mission to find new vegetable recipes, one ingredient I have been avoiding is kale.  I’m not sure exactly what I have against kale, but I think maybe it’s the incessant talk about how healthy it is for you.  As much as I want to eat healthily (thus the quest for veggie recipes), I refuse to sacrifice good flavor for health benefits and am therefore sometimes wary of these fad health ingredients.  All of which explains my reluctance to try the newest super food, kale, but today I discovered that I have been judging this leafy green unfairly. A recipe for Kale Slaw with Peanut Dressing in Martha Stewart Magazine caught  my eye the other day and after trying it out, I am excited to try other kale recipes in the future. As it turns out, kale is neither tough nor bitter, as I had feared it would be.  Instead, it had a fresh, almost spicy flavor and a wonderful crunchy texture that lent itself very well to a coleslaw type of recipe.  If you have not tried kale yet, I highly recommend it and not just because it’s good for you!  Try out the recipe I linked to above and let me know if you agree.